“Who loves you Baby?”

You know what the most satisfying part about working at First Choice Physical Therapy is? It is the fact that it seems like everyone I talk to has either been here or knows someone who has been here and they all love us! People come to us because they are hurt and need help. When they leave after the final visit, most of them feel much better and are given a plan to stay better. Couple that with the care that they are given while here and there should be little surprise when I tell someone where I work and they reply, “I love that place!”

The whole team here wants to send out a big “Thank You” to all of you who have chosen us or allowed us to help you. From our Patient Liaison to the Front Desk to Insurance to Therapist to Therapist Assistant to the guy who does the web site…we really appreciate that you love us and we love you back!!

We hope we don’t need to see you soon, but we know you will remember that we are here the next time you do.