Friend us on Facebook

1STCHOICEThe best way to keep up with our web site is to LIKE us on Facebook. Almost everything we post on our site we share to our Facebook page. We get lots of compliments on our web site. Some are for the way it looks and it’s ease of use, but most are for the fact that we post regularly and have a variety of topics to keep things both interesting and personal. Trying to remember to come by our site at least once a week might be a little hard for some of us (Me! Me!), so if you Friend us then you will probably see our shared posts when you log in to your Facebook account.

Another way to catch all of our notes, is to click on the orange RSS button at the bottom of the page. If you use an RSS reader then you will be notified in that program when we post something new.

Which ever way you choose to follow us personally, we would appreciate it if you share this note with your Facebook Friends to help them find us!

Stay healthy!