Author: Dr. Wade Rinehart

Low Back Pain – a Disability of Modern Civilization?

Maggie GrabiecThe significant increase in the low back pain occurrences in the recent years, as well as the economical, medical, and social impacts on our society, prompted scientists to investigate issues surrounding disability resulting from lower back disorders. It is estimated that the annual direct cost of treating back pain reached $ 193.9 billion in 2004 in the USA alone (1). One of the frequently asked questions is whether low back pain is a disorder of the contemporary, high industrialized societies or perhaps it has been known for ages. With the increased industrial safety, easier access to medical help, and improved work ergonomics, low back incidences should be on decline. Ironically it is not so.

The low back pain is not a new problem and it has been documented in various medical and non-medical literature throughout the centuries. The earliest description of back problems, later known as sciatica, could be found in an Egyptian manuscript dated circa 2.500 B.C. The term “sciatica” was introduced by Hippocrates, one of the most prominent ancient Greek philosopher, however, the definition and description of this particular back disorder was given by Caelius Aurelianus in his dissertation “Sciatica et Psoadica” in the 3rd century B.C.(2). At that time, very little was known about human anatomy. Although Aurelianus described various back problems and Hippocrates suggested a few methods of treatment, they were unable to provide anatomical or physiological basis for the etiology of low back pain. The Middle Ages represented a decline in the Western medicine. The first speculations regarding the case of low back pains were introduced with the work of Andreueus Versalius, who in 1543 described detailed anatomy of the human body with clear outline of vertebrae and intervertebral disc. In 1579, the famous French surgeon Ambrose Pare introduced first surgical attempt to stabilize the spine utilizing metal plates, setting the standard for future orthopedic surgery (3). A number of scientists and physicians contributed to understanding the causative factors of low back disorders and developing different methods of treatment, ranging from surgical interventions or manual therapies to various medications in 18th and 19th centuries.

The end of the 19th century depicted a significant progress in the medical knowledge. In 1887 Dr Victor Horsley, professor of surgery at the University Collage London performed the first laminectomy, relieving pressure on the spinal cord by trimming the vertebral bone to widen the spinal canal. In 1934, Mixter and Barr provided a scientific explanation of one cause of the low back pain. They concluded that the source of sciatic pain was a herniated disc. Their finding was based on the experiment with nineteen patients, who showed a significant improvement after laminectomy followed by the removal of the herniated disc.(4). Since then, numerous research has been done in attempts to identify the causative factors, appropriate treatments as well as preventive means of low back problems. The fast advancement of diagnostic tools, namely MRI or CAT scan in recent years, shed some light on the low back problems.

Low back pain is a general term indicating the subjective experience of the patient, but not a diagnosis. The patient complaining of back pain needs to be evaluated by a clinician using standard objective clinical tests in order to make a final diagnosis. One of the most widely used classifications of low back pain is based on clinical findings and considers pathology as well as causative factors. In this classification, the causes of low back pain are divided into two groups: vertebral/paravertebral causes and referred causes. The first group includes all disorders pertaining to the spinal column e.g. degenerative joint and disc disease, musculoskeletal disorders, neoplasms, infections, rheumatoid conditions, traumatic and idiopathic conditions. The second group covers diseases that originate in other body systems, such as renal, vascular, and gastrointestinal, that refer pain to low back area.

Since the majority of low back pains are caused by some combination of overuse, misuse, muscle strain or injury to muscle and ligaments supporting the spine, it is crucial to identify the factors that may predispose the spine to possible injury. The numerous research on this issue resulted in the long list of predisposing factors that may not directly cause the pain, but undoubtedly contribute to it. One of the most important factors is the history of previous back pain or injuries. Most people experience low back pain periodically, with every new bout being usually more severe than the previous one. Certain occupations require repetitive bending, lifting, prolonged sitting or standing positions. If the worker demonstrates poor posture or is unaware of proper body mechanics, it certainly puts him or her at risk for developing low back problems. Sedentary life style and obesity can also contribute to weak postural musculature, eventually leading to a back disorder. Conversely, sports or recreational activities involving twisting, excessive extension or bending may result in repetitive trauma of low back region. Even gender or age could be consider risk factors for certain spinal disorders. Younger people present more frequently with intervertebral disc disorders, whereas patients over 60 years old would rather suffer from degenerative diseases. Low back pain is a very common problem related to pregnancy. During pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts forward with a lot of stress being placed on the back. Moreover, in preparation for delivery the body produces the hormone – relaxin, which causes the ligaments between pelvic bones to become more relaxed. Postmenopausal women are more prone to osteoporosis, which may contribute to compression fractures of vertebra. Males, on the other hand, are more inclined to traumatic damages to lower spine. There are also genetic and hereditary predispositions to low back disorders. Psychological and psychosomatic factors influencing low back pain have been increasingly recognized. Research has shown that anxiety, depression, stressful responsibility, job dissatisfaction, mental stress at work, and substance abuse can place people at increased risk for developing chronic low back pain.

Back pain is an impairment, which may lead to disability. According to World Health Organization, impairment is “any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or function”(5). Conversely, disability is defined as “any restriction or lack of the ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal resulting from an impairment” (5).

The high incidence of low back disorders, often resulting in permanent disability, and its effect on our society, necessitated researchers to identify factors that influence patient`s recovery and may be predictive of future disability. Among them, the most important factors recognized by scientists are perception of fault by the patient, possible financial compensations and lawyer involvement, patient`s perception of permanent disability, history and duration of pain, job satisfaction and the relationship with an employer, as well as physical requirements of patient`s job (6). An early recognition of disability predicting factors helps clinicians to develop better treatment plan to avoid future disability and promote patient’s return to work forces.

With the industrial progress, advancements in medical technology, easier access to medical help and improvement of work ergonomics, the incidences of low back problems should be expected to decline. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The twenty first century has not brought any solution to low back problem as one of the most common reasons for epidemy of lower back pain is sedentary lifestyle leading to obesity and deconditioning of the muscles supporting low back.

Maggie Garbiec, PTA



2. Deyo, Richard A., and Weinstein, James “Low Back Pain” The New England Journal of Medicine 344.5 (2001): 363-370.

3. Paris, Stanley V., and Loubert, Peter V. FCO Foundation of Clinical Orthopedics. Seminar Manual. 3rd ed. St. Augustine, Institute of Physical Therapy, 1999. 17-24.

4. Latchaw, John P. “A Historical Note on Sciatica” Hardy, Russell W. Lumbar Disc Disease. New York: Raven Press. 1982: 3-22.

5. World Health Organization (WHO). International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Geneva, Switzerland, 2001

6. Frymoyer J. Predicting Disability From Low Back Pain “Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research”, No. 279, June 1992

Pearls for serving our Patients

 Frustration building to anger is not good.A new business was opening and one of the owner’s friends wanted to send flowers for the grand opening occasion.  They arrived at the new business site to visit and congratulate the new business when the sender read the card he had sent.  It read,”Rest in Peace”.  The sender was angry and called the customer service department at the florist to complain. After he had told the customer service agent of the obvious mistake and how angry he was, she replied cool and calmly with the following:

“Sir, I’m really sorry for the mistake, but rather than getting angry you should imagine this: somewhere there is a funeral taking place and they have flowers with a note saying ‘Congratulations on your new location’.”

Where others may fail in customer service we excel.  I want to remind everyone that although we feel we are the best trained and skilled Therapist in the business, if we fail to serve our customers, we still fail and are lumped in with everyone else.

Here are a few “Pearls for serving our Patients” that we live by at First Choice Physical Therapy:

  • Customer service is either good or bad. There is no in-between. We don’t choose good, we choose Awesome!
  • If we provide only 99% satisfaction to our customers, a million transactions mean 10,000 unhappy customers! We choose 110% satisfaction!
  • We measure response time in minutes, not hours.
  • Customer service is not a department, it’s an ATTITUDE!
  • Awesome is as Awesome does! ~ Modified from Forrest Gump.

This is my overall favorite customer service quote.  Everyone knows that I love Disney World and I have modeled our customer service after the Disney Customer Service attitude.  Ole Walt was on target when he said:

“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.”
~ Walt Disney

To all of our patients and friends we appreciate the opportunity to serve you with the utmost care and customer service in the business.  To all of our prospective customers we would love the opportunity to serve you, your friends and family with same great care.

To Your Health
Dr. Wade M. Rinehart, PT, DPT
Doctor of Physical Therapy
First Choice Physical Therapy

Oh yeah! We are open!!

We did not close for the “almost snow day”. The cold and rain closed the schools and they may be closed tomorrow. We are open today and tomorrow, but some of our patients have canceled their appointments to avoid the extreme weather. If you have an ache that you would like addressed through physical therapy, please call us. We do take walk ins and you do not need a referral from your doctor to visit us. A phone call first will help to assure you the best time to come by. 850-248-1600.

We “Mustache” you a question…

Stephen, Wade, Brett, Brent and Simon

Which Mustache is your favorite? Please Comment.

We sometimes get a little silly at work. It keeps things interesting for sure, but this was a particularly special occasion. In honor of Brett Frank’s 38th birthday we celebrated it with Mustache Friday. However, there are a few things we are serious about:

1. Getting our patients better. The mental paycheck on helping another person is priceless to us and we work hard for every patient every day.

2. Our ministry of healing. As with any talent we invest our talents in you. I believe we provide the best Orthopedic outpatient care in the world and we would love the opportunity to show you why.

3. Serving others. Everyone is serving someone. Who are you serving today? A servants heart is what we at First Choice Physical Therapy are all about.

4. Fun…Fun…and more Fun. Life is more vibrant when you’re having fun and laughing. Laughter has not been called the “best medicine” for nothing. We hope that we have brought a smile to your face today with our silly Friday antics.

To your good health,

Dr. Wade Rinehart, PT, DPT

Doctor of Physical Therapy

First Choice Physical Therapy

Panama City Living Magazine article

Simon and Robin HaussmannOur PTA, Simon Haussmann, and his wife Robin are found in a photo that shines God’s love and their love for Him and each other on page 46 of the January/February 2014 issue of Panama City Living Magazine. We proud of the character and life choices of all of our First Choice Physical Therapy family. It is very cool that members of that family have been singled out in the magazine and interviewed “About Love And Faith”. Click here to read the article on the magazine’s web site.

Great quote, Vicki!

Good one, Vicki! My favorite from a list of quotes Vicki recently sent us.

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand. Most people listen with the intent to reply.” Stephen R. Covey.

I thought that quote was right on target and describes very well a skill our Doctors of Physical Therapy show everyday. They listen intently to our patients every visit. You can see in their eyes that they want to understand what the patient has to say about their pain or physical condition. After they get that information from the patient, the reply comes easily and naturally from their years of experience and their continuing education.

Come visit us and see how our Doctors of Physical Therapy can help you. While you are here we know you will also be very impressed with our efficient and caring front office staff!

Superman broken?

Brent HoltgreweIt has come to me that I am not Superman after all. All my life I have lived with the Superman mentality that I can do anything, I can’t get hurt, and just react, don’t think, you can do it. However, recent events have rendered me “broken”. For the first time in my life I have been knocked down and unable to do what I wanted to.

About one week ago, I injured my mid back. Now, in my usually manner, I didn’t pay any attention to the stabbing pain and thought the best treatment was to suck it up and push through it. That method has always worked for me and kept me going through years of minor aches and pains with football, so it had to work this time.

On Monday, I proceeded to run 3 miles, at the end of which, my back didn’t feel better, but rather worse. I tried to ignore the pain the rest of the day and figured I’d feel better in the morning. Tuesday, I woke up with a sharp pain in my back and could barely stand up straight, but as stubborn as I am, I figured as long as I could get moving it would go away and I’d feel much better. The pain did ease up by lunch time so, staying consistent with my treatment methodologies, I played basketball at lunch which again the activity in no way made it better and by the end of the day I was back to where I couldn’t stand up straight without pain. However, I figured that if I could just ice it and keep moving I’d feel better.

On Wednesday I iced and then tried it again and went for a 3 mile run. This time, however, I was stopped in my tracks after the first mile. For the first time in my life, I had to admit that I couldn’t do it. I was not able to finish a run and had to walk back to the clinic hunched over and leaning to the side. This made me re-think my Superman theory and realized that I may not be indestructible after all. Now after 5 days of conservative treatment, I’m feeling great with just some minor soreness and am going to try to play basketball today at lunch. Hopefully, I’ll be pain free and come out with a “W”.

The moral of this story is that we are all breakable, but with quick treatment comes quick outcomes. Don’t lose months of your life waiting for something to get better.

Calling all Golfers!!!

Dr. Brett Frank, DPT, PTAre you lacking consistency? Is your ball flight distance waning? Does your back hurt during or after your round? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then you need BackSwing Golf Fitness.

BackSwing Golf is a program offered by First Choice Physical therapy that tailors a program specifically for the needs of amateur golfers who want to get better and feel more comfortable during their rounds while improving consitency within your swing. Most amateur golfers need to improve a combination of at least four things: flexibility in the shoulder complex, flexibility in the lower extremities, flexibility in the spine, and strength in the core/hip musculature. Insufficiancies in one or all four of these areas can lead to decreased shot distance, an inconsistent swing plane, and worst of all injury.

The combination of golf specific exercises along with lessons from your local PGA Teaching Professional assure you better distance and improved consistancy while reducing your chance of injury. Give us a call today at 850-248-1600 for your appointment.

Brett Frank, PT, DPT
Doctor of Physical Therapy
First Choice Physical Therapy
Excellence Drives Us-Passion Guides Us

Is cold a pain in the neck?

Simon Haussmann, PTABrrrrr! It has been cold! You know that feeling when you first get in your car early in the morning and you do all you can to get warmed up? I quite often find myself sitting in my car with shoulders shrugged up trying to survive until my heater kicks in. By the time I make it to work my neck starts to feel tight. Thankfully, I work with the experts in musculoskeletal tightness and pain. Visit First Choice and allow us to show you an easy to learn stretching program. We’ll also implement the appropriate strengthening exercises to treat all of your musculoskeletal issues.

Simon Haussmann, PTA

Watch the temperature when exercising

karen-profile50°, 30°, 70°, 20°? Who know what the weather will be like this coming weekend, but for those of us that like to stay active by being outside it is important.

Here are a few tips to keep you illness and injury free in this fluctuating weather. Dress in layers that can be removed after you begin to warm up and sweat. Dressing too warm may lead to you being chilled by the end of your workout with sweat. When the temperature plummets, protecting your hands, feet, and ears is key. These are the most vulnerable and need to be protected from the cold. Be aware of the weather conditions, so that you can dress accordingly. Take the extra few minutes to warm up properly and stretch to prevent injury.

I personally love to be outside in the cold and clear days. I believe they are the best days for a long hike or bike ride, but if the cold just isn’t your idea of fun, then take this as an opportunity to try something new. A spin, yoga, other group fitness class may be the best way to mix up your routine. Keep warm, drink plenty of water, and remember to stretch to prevent injury!

Karen Mathers, PTA

Health tip: Get the right bed

Dr. Stephen Peaden, PT, DPTBeds are one of the most important items you will use throughout your life. The right bed for you will support your body properly through the night to let your spine and surrounding muscles rest and recover from the previous day. Usually, the heavier you are, the firmer the mattress you need. If any of you have seen me, you can probably guess how firm my bed is.

Lately, I ventured into the task of buying a new bed for our bedroom. I went to my friend Jared at Lindsey’s Furniture Warehouse and ordered a new bed. After two nights of sleeping on the new bed, my back was sore each morning and took several hours in the morning to subside. Thinking it was just sore and would work out after a few more nights, we went to my In-Law’s house for Christmas and slept on a different bed. I had no back pain for five days while we there which made me begin to question my purchase. When, we returned home, the back pain resumed for two more days before I called Jared and asked him to order a firmer mattress for me.

It has been two nights now sleeping on the latest mattress and have had zero back pain. I can’t stress enough how important it is to spend the money on a quality bed that is right for you and that will let you rest comfortably through the night. At First Choice, we tell our patients to spend money on beds and shoes. The right bed and shoes will let you work and sleep comfortably and minimize injury to your entire body. Thanks to Jared at Lindsey’s Furniture Warehouse for helping me get the right bed for myself. Make sure when you buy a new bed that it’s the right one for you.

Stephen Peaden, PT, DPT
Doctor of Physical Therapy

Advocates for the Restaveks

Scott Champagne, PT. Clinic Manager at Panama City BeachAdvocacy – The act of pleading or arguing in favor of something, such as a cause, idea or policy; active support.

Although Mauritania declared slavery a crime in 2007 and thereby joining ALL nations in officially making slavery illegal, the practice continues in many nations under many disguises. Haiti has been tabbed as the poorest nation in the western hemisphere with ~ 80% of its population living in poverty and a 53% literacy rate. These two factors has led to a modern day form of slavery called “Restavek”. Restavek is a Haitian Creole term which means “one who stays with” but commonly translated as “child slave or domestic servant”. It is estimated that 1 in 15 children in Haiti is a Restavek and the age range is usually from 4 to 14 years old.

The common story played out on a daily basis looks something like this: families struggle with mouths to feed and children to care for. The parents, who may or may not be a part of the 47% of the population who are not literate, decide it would be in the best interest of the child to send them into the city where they can live with a family and help with daily chores in exchange for the opportunity to go to school and get an education. This is rarely the outcome. The children typically are not sent to school and go from being a child one day to slave the next. They are forced to work long hours cooking, cleaning and fetching water and are often neglected, abused and even raped.

There are an estimated 300,000 Restaveks in Haiti. Imagine your children, nieces or nephews being forced into this life. However, there is hope. Through the support of orphanages such as All My Heart Haiti, The Hands and Feet Project, Servants of All Ministries, Restavek Freedom and the Jean R. Cadet Restavek Organization, the lives of these children can be changed and the slavery cycle broken.

James 1:27 – Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

First Choice Physical Therapy is an advocate for the orphans and Restavek in Haiti.

Scott Champagne, PT